When your family is facing childhood cancer, you don’t have to do it alone.

When your family is facing childhood cancer, you don’t have to do it alone.

Meet Henry, Our Hero

In February 2012, Henry Allen was only two years old when he was diagnosed with Stage 4 High Risk, MYCN Amplified Neuroblastoma. Two years of painful treatments and surgeries couldn’t knock Henry down, his happiness and bravery throughout inspired everyone around him.

Henry changed the lives of so many and, before he passed away so sadly in October 2013, he insisted his parents continue his work.

Wanting to help other families find the happiness he’d always spread, Henry made is mummy and daddy “pinkie promise” to follow his dream – helping other children and their families create memories and fulfil wishes.

This is how The Henry Allen Trust began, and this is why supporters of the trust are so dedicated today. We’re all still working to fulfil Henry’s wish - helping families who need to find smiles when they’re in pain.

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Find out how Henry's legacy has grown