When your family is facing childhood cancer, you don’t have to do it alone.

When your family is facing childhood cancer, you don’t have to do it alone.

Henry’s Team: There for You

Working to Achieve Henry’s Last Wish – Supporting Families and Creating Smiles

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Henry’s wish to help children like him, became The Henry Allen Trust in February 2014. Since then, Henry’s Team has grown and we’ve been able to provide Treats and Wishes to families across the country as well as financial and counselling support.

Our Aim is to provide benefits for the patients of children’s hospital oncology units:


To help relieve sickness and preserve health by providing - or assisting in the provision of - the equipment and facilities, recreation, services and ancillary to those provided by doctors for individuals and groups.


To promote and protect physical and mental health through financial assistance, support, education, practical advice and counselling.


To relieve the sickness of child oncology patients by offering respite through the provision of short breaks and holidays.


To advance the education of the general public in relation to life threatening diseases and terminal illness in children – including the hope and encouragement that can be found through better understanding and survivors success stories.

Our Mission Statement

Supporting children, teens, young adults and their families battling childhood cancers.

Some of Henry’s Team

Dawn and Mark

When Henry made his mummy and daddy “pinkie promise” to support other children going through Cancer treatment like his, they were making a commitment which became The Henry Allen Trust.

Within months of his passing they’d launched and registered the charity, forming a team who would help them fulfil the promise they’d made to their Angel Henry. Working with families and hospitals, Mark and Dawn work tirelessly with their team to ensure no family feels alone with a childhood cancer diagnosis.

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I volunteer for Team Henry because I love the smiles on children’s faces when I help with treats, wishes and hospital visits.

Henry was the most amazing little boy I have ever met. He was so strong and brave and would be so proud of the work that we are all doing.

I love volunteering for the trust as it makes Henry’s wish come true.


Henry was the bravest and most incredible little boy I have ever had the privilege of meeting. Someone so small but yet so inspirational. Henry completely stole my heart from the very first time I met him. But not only because of Henry but because of his amazing parents, who have now become a massive part of my life.

I have been lucky enough to make some incredible friends and meet other inspirational children on my journey through The Henry Allen Trust.

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The work that the Trust does is nothing short of amazing; together we have made such a difference to so many people. From creating special memories for children and their families to providing care packs with toiletries for families that find themselves rushing to hospital with their sick child. We create materials to help parents more readily understand what is happening and how to care for their child.

Is it hard work? Yes. Can it be heart-breaking at times working within childhood Cancer? Yes, it can be. BUT. Every event, every wish, every press release or piece of literature that I am involved in, I come away with a tremendous sense of pride in what we do and am so truly privileged to be part of something so special.


I registered as a volunteer as little Henry visited us a while – he inspired a community. He reminded people what it is to laugh in the face of the strongest challenges – courage. He brought people together through love and compassion… he reminded us how precious life is… and this little boy’s gift to other children was his legacy. Through his brave Mummy and Daddy who continue to shine his light on all that is of true value in this life. To care enough, to support each other and to offer love and light through dark days.

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I volunteer for the Henry Allen Trust to try and bring back the smile and laughter to the children that are, and have gone through, what Henry had to endure.

I first met Henry when we were asked to take the fire engine to the warren, as a crew we got him some fire kit and a helmet so he could be like us – but the truth is, he is so much braver than the fire fighters on the fire engines. Lots of people believe that we are so brave going into fires but what Henry went through is so much more and at such a young age.